Adele Is a Businesswoman Who Makes Her Money by Touring

Adele is a true millennial; unlike some celebrities who make their money through selling fitness teas on the side, Adele makes her living by performing.

British singer/songwriter Adele first gained international prominence with her bluesy debut album 19 in 2008, which topped charts worldwide. Her second release 21 saw that success expand even further.

She’s got a voice

Adele is an incredible singer: captivating, emotional and powerful. While there may be gaps in her technique – often caused by oversinging – at her core her voice communicates powerfully and is an instrument capable of powerful communication.

But her voice can also be an instrument of transformation. On her first two albums – 21 and 25 -, she used an authentic yet fragile style of soul music to explore young adulthood angst and love-loss themes.

She can switch effortlessly between earthy gospel and disco funk; soul-stirring ballads like Someone Like You and soulful anthems such as Rolling in the Deep are her specialties, along with singing her range from chest voice to head voice and back again – something only an artist that cares for their audience could achieve! Each song becomes more powerful through this artful choice that keeps listeners guessing while making each performance feel vitalized by an artist who cares deeply for what their listeners need from music!

She’s got a story

Adele stands out as an artist capable of conveying love and loss with honesty, authenticity and directness – unlike so many adolescents in Balham who would sip cheap cider from bottles at parties with friends (though she did do that for a time).

Her last album, 25 was an emotional response to both her divorce from Simon Konecki and his recurrence of cancer. In interviews, she has openly addressed both tragedies while also detailing her spiritual journey that has occurred during them.

Adele has found an equilibrium between private and public life in Los Angeles, between solitude and company from her close friends, as well as role modeling for those at risk of dropping out of school and providing the encouragement necessary for them to remain enrolled in school. Although some might view her charitable work with disapproval, Adele acknowledges its significance to her audience.

She’s got a body

Adele is an experienced businesswoman who takes her work seriously. In an industry that has seen its value roughly halve over the last decade, she stands as proof that there’s still money to be made with proper planning and execution.

She does it the right way, producing an album every three years and cementing her place among musical greats. She has earned Oscar, MBE and several Grammy awards including best new artist for her stunning Skyfall theme composition.

She writes and sings about female rites of passage – 19 was her teenage experience; 21 was entering adulthood; 25 relationships, and 30 is grief over loss – through emotive lyrics with unabashedly descriptive language and simple chordal virtuosity that places text before tone. Additionally, she acts as hands-on Chief Executive for her multimillion pound international brand.

She’s got a mind

Adele has quickly become one of the most beloved performers in recorded music due to her effortless phrasing, tasteful arrangements and ability to translate her personal emotional experiences into accessible songs – qualities which have cemented her position at the top. Amid an industry that has experienced roughly 50% decline over a decade ago, she provides much-needed hope.

19. Her debut album was an instantaneous hit, while 21 followed suit in terms of sales despite her heartbreak saga and subsequent betrayal and empowerment saga that could almost pass for something introspective or depressing if written so honestly by another individual.

Powerful performer but takes her business seriously, she’s the hands-on chief executive of her multimillion pound international brand. On Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show last November when he pulled out 25 on vinyl she responded with a big QVC smile! Perhaps she is more of a control freak which might explain why Amy Winehouse or Lily Allen appear more alive while performing.